Friday 20 February 2015

Production Companies - Research

As my film is a thriller, I researched numerous production companies who have a history of creating thrillers. The reason I did this is because production companies are the foundation behind the films, and without them there would be no film. It is imperative to make my film as realistic as possible, and that includes the company behind it being authentic.

I found that the Thriller genre is a reputable genre, as all of the best and well-known production companies have been involved with many. It is also common for production companies to team up with each other on films, due to the size of the film. Here are a list of a few well-known thrillers, and the companies who produced them:

Alien - 20th Century Fox
Silence of the Lambs - Strong Heart/Demme Productions
Seven - New Line Cinema (among others)
The Dark Knight Rises - Warner Brothers, Legendary ictures
The Bourne Trilogy - Universal Pictures
Casino Royale - Columbia Pictures
Taken - EuropaCorp

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