Sunday 26 April 2015

Evaluation - What have you learned from the audience feedback?

What have you learned from the audience feedback?

Audience feedback is a key part of creating a successful marketing campaign. The ultimate aim of such a campaign is to be successful in the eyes of the audience. Therefore, feedback is important as it enables you to improve on what you have already done based on your target audience's opinions.

Throughout my research and planning for my media products, I have been striving to ensure that my products is suitable for my target audience. I knew my film would not be suitable for children, so I already had an idea of the tone of my products. Despite that, I still had to make sure that my products were relevant and relatable to real media products, of which I was trying to emulate, but in my own unique way.

In order to get an idea of what the audience wanted from my poster and magazine cover, I designed questionnaires that would allow me to have an understanding as to what is expected of my products from my target audience.

I gave the above questionnaires to 100 people between 15-31, as this was the age group my media products are attempting to attract. These are the results I obtained from the questionnaires:

The results I received back were very similar to what I expected. I expected my target audience to be aware of the conventions of a poster, partly due to their age and likely understanding of modern posters and what is present on them. The only thing that surprised me is that 75 out of 100 people did not expect to see the directors name on the poster aside from the billing. I was surprised because when I researched posters and their conventions, I found that it was not uncommon for the director to be mentioned aside from the billing.

The audience feedback on my poster ultimately did not cause me to change much of my poster, although I did refrain from mentioning the director aside from the billing, and instead decided to list my star actor instead.

The results to my magazine questionnaire were, as was the case for my poster questionnaire, unsurprising. The reason for this is, once again, as my target audience is between the age of 15-31, I expect the vast majority of them to have read a film magazine, although perhaps that is more likey from the 31 year old's rather the 15 year old's.

The results I received did not lead me to adjust the design and layout of my magazine front cover. The results I received were the results I expected, and therefore only served to remind me how important the conventions of media products are in the design of said products.

Ultimately, the audience feedback I received only served to teach me that the conventions of posters and magazine front covers are used for a reason. Without them, there would be no structure to a poster of magazine front cover.

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