Monday 12 January 2015

Magazine Questionnaire

Do you expect to see a recognisable actor/actress on the front cover?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the masthead to be at the top of the magazine cover?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the masthead to be the largest font on the cover?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the cover lines to mention what is in the current issue?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the cover lines to give away a lot of information?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the price, issue number, and barcode to be on the cover?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect there to be social media links on the cover?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the font to be in bold, italic, or neither?

Bold                      Italic                                 Neither

Do you expect to see a slogan on the cover?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect to see other images on the cover?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

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