Friday 9 January 2015

Poster Questionanaire

Do you expect a main character to feature on the poster?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the names of the cast to feature?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the film title to be the largest writing on the poster?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect ratings and reviews to feature?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect billing to feature?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect there to be a website or social media address?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect to see a tagline on the poster?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect the directors name to appear aside from the billing?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect to see a release date?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect to see a certificate?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

Do you expect a clear indication of genre?

Yes                        Maybe                              No

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