Thursday 4 December 2014

Thriller Trailer #2 - THE DARK KNIGHT RISES

  • This teaser trailer is unlike others because, as it is the final film in a trilogy, it includes numerous shots from the previous films. It does this to create suspense and build drama. The first shot from the Dark Knight Rises comes at 0:38.
  • The opening shots, coupled with the voiceover and taglines, are used to build up the character of Bruce Wayne/Batman, and illustrate how far he has come, now he is at the end. This creates tension amongst the audience, as this unconventional use of previous material attaches them to the character they have grown to love, with the realisation that it is the end.
  • Darkness is a common theme in this trailer. Very few shots cast a character or setting in light. The only time there is light is in the shots with Gordon, which illustrates he is a good man, and a ray of light.
  • Very little context of storyline is given. This trailer ignores the fact that there is a general storyline and focuses on the battle ahead that Batman has to go through. Shots, such as Wayne doing press ups, and Batman's fight with Bane, highlight the physical aspect of the struggle Batman has to go through, but there is also an underlying mental aspect hidden in Gordon and Wayne's conversation. "The Batman must come back". Batman was believed to be gone according to Wayne, so it seems as if he will need to re-adjust to life back as Batman.
  • Trailer does not give away any story line, other than the Batman returns, and that he's biggest task lies ahead of him.

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