Tuesday 2 December 2014

Thriller Trailer #1 - SKYFALL

  • Protagonist seen in first shot of movie. Followed by voiceovers, and a man questioning him.
  • Name of title brought up, attracts audience as we know it has meaning.
  • Montage includes numerous action shots which have no meaning to the story line, but are necessary in relation to the genre. Music is fast-paced to reflect this, and create suspense.
  • Sudden stop to a halt, and the title "Skyfall" is shown on a black screen. This is followed by a voiceover from Bond saying "They are coming to kill us". That is a sentence that causes the audience to ask questions, such as "Who is trying to kill him?", and wonder about what happens in the film.
  • When Bond says "We are going to kill them first", the audience have a real buzz of anticipation because they have been given a big chunk of the storyline, without actually being told anything of note. This attracts them to the film and leaves them wanting more.
Although Skyfall is an Action Thriller, it does fall into the category Thriller

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